Sunday, April 8, 2012

not your average lemon curd

While hard to see the curd was cut into a strip and garnished with ground pistachios, walnuts, burned citrus segments, passion fruit fluid gel, cumquat agar gellee cubes, and to stick with tradition(at least a little) a snow made of crushed sweet meranges.

fun garnishes with agar sheets

shrimp and vegetables with a twist, an agar shrimp stock sheet atop sauteed vegetables and shrimp with herb oil, micro greens, and pomogranite juice reduction.

shrimp scampi with the same shrimp sheet and herb oil

strawberry sheet atop a lemon cake with almond cream.

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Saturday, April 7, 2012

flexible chocolate ganache dessert

Why would anyone in there right mind want regular boring  ganache when with a few more simple steps you can create something that is just as mouthwatering, smooth, and full of flavor. Plus you get the added benefit of playing with the design, and my favorite way of presenting food is to give the eater a slightly different combination of flavors, textures, and temperatures with every glorious mouthful. This dessert is flexible chocolate ganache with white chocolate covered candied almonds, a tobacco cream panacotta, raspberry sorbet, agar-agar cumquat gellie cubes, and candied orange. Not too bad for my first dessert special since I'm not really a pastry chef at all and don't even like sweets.